Hi my name is Julie Miles and I am a psychic medium working with clairvoyance and clairsentience. I am also a spiritual trance healer and tarot reader. Although I have been studying spiritualism my entire life, I have been more serious over the last 20 years and I also owned my own spiritual shop in Lechlade, Gloucestershire up until recently when I decided it was time for a change. I always keep it real, what you see is what you get. No smoke, no whistles and bells, just me, my spirit team and our dedication to Spirit.
Working hard to provide evidence to people that there really is life after death and that our loved ones in spirit are well, pain free and still around us in our day to day lives. I want to teach people how to connect with their loved ones themselves and also help people through their grieving and physical loss.
Experiencing Guides
Experiencing Guides
Developing a closeness with your guides through meditative practices...
Alignment of your Chakras and healing of physical ailments with the help of...
Psychic Tarot
Psychic Tarot
21 Card Spread to guide you along your life path over the following 6 months...
Alignment of your Chakras and healing of physical ailments with the help of...
Experiencing Guides
Experiencing Guides
Developing a closeness with your guides through meditative practices...
Psychic Tarot
Psychic Tarot
21 Card Spread to guide you along your life path over the following 6 months...
Client Reviews
Training Experience
Over the last few years I have trained with some of the most gifted and inspiring Psychic Mediums in the UK. Our spiritual development is a life long journey and there is no end to the growth and wisdom we can achieve as incarnate souls. My training experience has played a big part in my growth as a psychic medium and healer and I hope I'll have the opportunity to share what I've learned with you as well!

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